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Arbitration Law in Italy. Domestic and international perspectives

Arbitration Law in Italy. Domestic and international perspectives
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This book is a useful knowledge tool for all those who intend to study the Italian arbitration system in depth, with reference to the regulations and laws currently in force, both within a national and an international framework.
The relatively short size of the book is justified by intention to provide an overview of the system, along with a carefully selected list of references of the doctrine and the case law, starting from general notions, then dealing with more specific issues, step by step. It starts from arbitration conventions, followed by the appointment of arbitrators; then the various phases of the arbitration procedure are discussed and commented on, highlighting in particular the taking of evidence, and an emphasis is given to subjective complications of the proceedings. The final section of the book deals with arbitration awards, their review and the recognition and enforcement of foreign awards in Italy. A chapter is dedicated to the delicate relation between arbitration and trial before an Italian judge.
To provide and complete the view of arbitration in Italy, the annexes at the end of the book report an non-official translation of the articles of the Italian Code of Civil Procedure dedicated to arbitration (Articles 806-832 and 839-840) and the special law on company arbitration (Legislative Decree No. 5 of 2003).