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My nomadic career. A recollection of emotions and foreign affairs. Ediz. integrale

My nomadic career. A recollection of emotions and foreign affairs. Ediz. integrale
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The pragmatist chases the dreamer while discipline helped him to advance hisdreams. The Italian author, now with grizzled beard and hair, looks back to hisdiverse experiences. The account, with some flashbacks, is his fist book inEnglish. The text is part travelogue and part reminiscences. Strangely while inCanberra GCB learnt French thanks to the private tuitions of Paulette. Thenomadic experience in foreign trade had helped to build up a furtherconfidence and travelling training. The acquired knowledge of Spanish hadbeen also important. The text includes descriptions of many Countries visitedduring his work and leisure time. The ten-month-long adventure across thePacific Ocean added further unusual training when visiting new geographicalareas. The author has already given a detailed account in Italian of the grandadventure across the Pacific Ocean during the sort of sabbatical periodcarried out in 1982. GCB has been a pleasure seeker and shows that life mustbe simply savoured. Responsibility, desire, freedom and emotions are the realmeaning of existence together with the relationship with fellow humans andwith the whole natural environment.