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Schrodinger's Cat

Schrodinger's Cat
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Kipple Officina Libraria


1° place in the general rankings of eBooks
for Kindle on
and stayed in the top 10 for over a month.

The best of artistic output from one
of the most original voices in Italian science fiction
who explores the most disturbing repercussions of future science, technology, and politics.

Lukha B. Kremo (Lukha Kremo Baroncinij) born in Livorno in 1970, is an eclectic character who started writing science fiction in 1990. He has written mainly science fiction stories and novels and founded Kipple Officina Libreria in addition to being co-director of the fantasy literature collection Avatar for which he compiled the Connectivism movement (of which he has been a member since 2005) anthology Frammenti di una rosa quantica (2008) and NeXT-Stream (2015), winning three Italia Fantascienza awards.
He has had stories published in a number of anthologies including Supernova Express (2006, Ferrara Edizioni), Frammenti di una rosa quantica (2008, Kipple Officina Libraria), Avanguardie Futuro Oscuro (2009, Edizioni Diversa Sintonia) and The Origins (2015, Kipple Officina Libraria).
He has published the novels Il Grande Tritacarne (2005), an original example of science fiction after Samuel Delany, Storie di Scintilla, a non-fiction novel in episodes, Gli occhi dell'anti-Dio, finalist in the Premio Urania Mondadori (2007), and Trans-Human Express, with which he was once again a finalist in the Premio Urania in 2009, awarded 2nd place in Premio Cassiopea and finalist in the Premio Italia 2013 in the Best Novel category. In 2015 his personal anthology L'abisso di Coriolis (edizioni Hypnos) was a finalist in the Premio Italia in the Best Anthology category.
In December 2011 with Il gatto di Schrodinger he reached 1st place in the general rankings of eBooks for Kindle on and stayed in the top ten for over a month.

He has been taking part in mail art since 2000 and in this artistic context created in 2004 the micro-nation "Nazione Oscura Caotica" which in 2009 acquired the Neo-republic of Torriglia to celebrate the 1944 partisan republic of Torriglia, and in 2014 acquired "Livorno Città Aperta".
At a non-professional level he has also published experimental electronic music CDs and DVDs under the pseudonym Krell, and organized the Sonora Commedia project.
After living in Milan for many years he now divides his time between Milan, Livorno, and Torriglia (in the Province of Genoa).
For a more complete biography visit